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Voltage was born in the year 2016 with the aim of generating innovative experiences of adventure in different parts of the world. Through our adventures, we carry various groups of travelers to thoroughly explore incredible destinations. Our goal is that every trip is alive as a unique experience in
the travelers have contact with the local traditions and can enjoy moments unrivalled be saved as photos in your memory.
Primarily, we seek that through the experiences, each traveller to achieve to make the most of your time and money, and that also is involved with the environment, from good environmental practices and cultural.
We are a company legally constituted in the united States of America and the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.
In addition, in the latter we have the required registration in the Ministry of Tourism under the regime of a Travel Agency (MT495) and Adventure Tourism
Currently, as a travel agency we are in the search of a new tourism model that achieves contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of our users, aligning the development of our experiences to the principles of sustainability.
Specifically, and placing us as actors to contribute to the reduction of climate change, in the different activities we implement a series of actions that seek to enhance the respect for the environment. In this line, look for our travellers to be recognized as active agents in the minimisation of the environmental impact that may arise from the adventures and in your everyday life.
In addition, and from the visit to different locations, we work direct that power to the communities that host us. Our intention is to bring the travellers to various communities, is achieved to rescue, to value and respect the cultural identity of each one of them. Also, we want these experiences to function as a space of exchange, so that the footprint cultural resulting from each trip is reciprocal in both our travelers and local levels.
Our founder and CEO. A publicist by profession and an adventurer by nature. As a leader innate, he always has a good idea of giving back through his head. Beyond her shyness, you have the ability to take a smile to any traveller through his jokes and anecdotes. He laughs at himself and loves to share a beer at the end of the day. Each day you will have to first hour at the foot of the canyon to experience the adventure. If you lose sight, safe, and escaped to eat something out there, or is preparing a surprise. It is one of those people that do not cease to impress.
With his good humor and great predisposition is the one who gives information to our travelers, responding to their queries and advising them at every step. In addition, he is responsible for the logistics of our adventures while being attentive to every detail.
She started traveling with us a few years ago and today is one of our coordinators. It is always a pleasure to share a journey with her, with her little camera friend hanging from the neck, each adventure is pending to capture those moments that are worth treasuring. Friend of all the world, is always on the move seeking to know until the last corner of the places you visit. Always attentive to the moon, brings freshness and calmness to travel. His motto is to live an adventure lowcost.