The difficulty of the activities that we undertake will be defined according to the level of human effort that is required to carry it out. We have to consider that we are being part of a tourism that is done in places with specific geographical features, and to develop it you involve some kind of risk, real or perceived, in addition to requiring physical exertion and/or mental significant.
The level of difficulty depend on different factors that can define from one level to beginner up to a professional level advanced. Not only is the duration of the activity which we give you a guideline to follow, but we will also have to examine other factors that are linked to the burden that we carry, our skills physical or psychological, and the environmental characteristics.
We always have the doubt with respect to the weight that we carry in our backpacks. To
to define it, you have to take into account that on trekking or on any of the trips
which we participate, if we have the carry load may carry less weight in the
back, and in the journeys of several days in which we do not have this option, we require you to carry more
weight, especially in the early days.
★ Up to 5 kilos
★★ From 6 to 10 kilos
★★★ 11 to 15 kilos
★★★★ 15 to 20 pounds
★★★★★ More than 20 kilos
We consider physical demand of the wear and tear we can suffer throughout the activity. You can
be aerobic in the climbs due to lack of air, or at the muscular level according to the hours that we are in
march. Also at this point we consider the wear and tear of the joints on the descents,
that is to say, the impact that bounce we may receive in the knees and/or ankles.
★ Requirement low.
★★ Requirement medium-low.
★★★ Demand media.
★★★★ Demand medium-high.
★★★★★ Demand high.
The technical difficulty is mainly based on the terrain, that is to say, how difficult it may be a
slope, if this involves a steady climb or if it is very steep. In addition it tells us if
we would have to use our hands to climb on the rock or if directly, we must have
with a team of more sophisticated as crampons and/or pegs.
★ Mostly flat..
★★ Ups and downs moderate..
★★★ Ups and downs sustained..
★★★★ Ups and downs with difficulty..
★★★★★ Very technical..
Height above sea level (masl), exercises a powerful influence on us in terms of the
activities that we undertake. The management and the improvement of the symptoms caused by the height is the
key to this point. Among the more high level we are exposed to, the less oxygen you will have
what we need greater self-control, and acclimatization prior.
★ up to 50 meters.
★★ Between 51 and 300 meters above sea level.
★★★ Between 401 and 1000 meters above sea level.
★★★★ Between 1001 and 3000 meters above sea level.
★★★★★ Between 3001 and 4000 meters above sea level.
This categorization is not applicable to the uruguayan territory.
We argue that the psychological factor, represents a great importance at the time of
any adventure sport. Each person needs a level of motivation, belief,
confidence, self-control and willpower in order to reach a goal, and according to the attitude
with which to confront the distances, slopes, the terrain and many other factors, objectives,
we can achieve a performance with very different results.
★ Low level.
★★ Medium-low level.
★★★ Average level.
★★★★ Medium-high level.
★★★★★ High level.