Ecuador to the Maximum

¡Let yourself be surprised by the natural diversity of this beautiful country!

He knows the best of Ecuador

Ecuador it is a country that concentrates a great diversity in a small territory: the Cordillera de los Andes passing through it from north to south, the Pacific Ocean lapping at its shores, and the Amazon Rainforest displaying their splendour to the east if there is something that does not lack in this country is an immense natural wealth.

We will start this adventure in its capital, Quito. This city is surrounded by towering volcanoes and with its colonial style and very picturesque will be a great base for our adventures in the Cotopaxi Volcano and the Laguna Quilotoa

Enjoy the great natural diversity of this country Tenain the amazon region of Ecuador, where in addition to appreciating the flora and fauna we will learn your culture the hand of local families. Feel the adrenaline to the maximum in the swing of the End of the World in the Bath and we will know the most famous beaches of Ecuador in Montañita, with some incredible sunsets. 

Estas son solo algunas de las inolvidables experiencias que vivirás en esta aventura

Descubre las maravillas de Ecuador, visita Quito, El Rio Napo, Isla de los Monos, el Volcan Cotopaxi, el Parque Nacional Cajas, Montañita y muchos más!


+ air

To reserve your spot you must make a sign for $ 200

Reservation dates

What should I expect?

Upcoming dates:

Level of difficulty:


Average High


Day 1: Starts the Adventure

Throughout this first day, we will find all the travellers at the hostel of the city of Quito. It will be important to take this first day with calm to go acclimatising to the altitude.

Day 2: In the middle of the world

Luego de un delicioso desayuno, disfrutaremos de la hermosa ciudad de Quito mediante un caminatour. Durante el recorrido por el casco antiguo, conoceremos los lugares más importantes de la capital ecuatoriana. A quienes les interese, les recomendamos visitar en su tiempo libre el Complejo Mitad del Mundo, para conocer el punto en el que se unen los dos hemisferios y dónde podrán ver demostraciones didácticas de los fenómenos que se manifiestan en la zona equinoccial.

Day 3: Between Volcanoes and Lakes

On our third day of adventure, we will leave very early in the morning in the direction of the Cotopaxi National Park where you will find one of the highest active volcanoes in the world. Once in the park, in addition to the skirts of the volcano, you can visit the museum that's there and get to know the Limpiopungo lake, where we see the traces left by the ancient volcanic eruptions of Cotopaxi. Then embark on our journey heading southwest towards the volcano Quilotoa. After a short walk, we arrive at a viewpoint, from where we will have an impressive panoramic view of the Lagoon of Quilotoa, one of the lakes of volcanic origin most beautiful in the world. Its crystal clear waters, making it one of the most impressive landscapes of Ecuador.

Day 4: Heading to the amazon jungle

On this day we will go to Tena, a city that is located in the amazon region of Ecuador, near the Napo river that will give you a soundtrack natural, with the rapids aquatic, birds and monkeys that you will hear from our accommodation. Tena has a great diversity of attractions not only natural but also cultural to discover and enjoy together in the next few days. 

Day 5: exploring the ecuadorian Amazon

On our fifth day of adventure, navigate the river Napo river to explore and enjoy the diversity of landscapes. We will have the opportunity to learn about the flora and fauna that we meet along the way in addition to visiting a local family Kichwa will show us his cocoa farm and teach us how to make chocolate. Continuing our canoe trip, our next stop will be at a rescue center for wild animals, where we can learn most of the important work that they performed. We will also visit the island of the monkeys in addition to another local family in the area to learn about weapons, tools and traps indigenous. After lunch, we will arrive at Uchuculin where we make a short hike to get to our accommodation where we will rest and prepare for more days of adventure.

Day 6: Deep in the Amazon

We'll start the day with a delicious breakfast before embarking on a walk of three hours going through this paradise jungle. We arrive at a viewpoint that will give you a beautiful panoramic view of the jungle and the river Napo. In the afternoon, we will visit the famous “Path of dreams”, an ancient path that was used by ancient civilizations to travel from one community to another. We will return to our accommodation for dinner, enjoy a campfire and unwind after a day full of emotions.

Día 7: Rumbo a la capital de la aventura

After breakfast, we will drive to the Waterfalls Pimpilala, whose name is due to the large amount of butterflies that are in the area, as “Pimpilala” means “butterfly” in the indigenous language Kichwa. Enjoy the place and a refreshing bath before to go back and start our journey to Bath, a city that is home to the great Volcano Tungurahua and which owes its name to its importance for geothermal energy, the abundance of hot springs, waterfalls and natural centers of spa. 

Day 8: In the hammock at the End of the World

Empezaremos nuestro octavo día de viaje en Baños… temprano nos iremos hasta La Casa del Árbol o mejor conocida como la hamaca del Fin del Mundo. Allí disfrutaremos del famoso Vuelo del Cóndor donde tendremos una vista panorámica inigualable de la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Por la tarde, tendremos tiempo libre antes de dirigirnos a Montañita.  

Día 9: En camino a Montañita

Comenzaremos el día disfrutando de un delicioso desayuno y luego tendremos tiempo libre antes de emprender nuestro viaje hacia Montañita.

Día 10:  Disfrutando de Montañita

Luego de nuestro rico desayuno, tendremos el día libre para recorrer Montañita, una aldea muy conocida por surfistas debido a sus hermosas playas con fuerte oleaje y ambiente bohemio, donde puedes unir el día con la noche con mucha diversión o también realizar diferentes actividades, como tomar clases de surf, o parapente.

Día 11:  Montañita a gusto

Tendremos el día libre para disfrutarlo como queramos. Te recomendamos conocer el Parque Nacional Machalilla donde podrás realizar un recorrido por medio del bosque que te llevará a la playa Los Frailes. Además de disfrutar de esta paradisíaca playa podrás observar desde un lugar privilegiado la destacada playa de arenas oscuras y de origen volcánico La Tortuguita. Sin dudas, hay un sinfin de actividades pero la que no te puede faltar al finalizar el día es salir a disfrutar de la bohemia noche de Montañita.

Día 12:  Rumbo a la pequeña Galápagos

In the morning we will leave in the direction of Puerto López and there we will begin the adventure to the Island of the Silver or also known as the Small Galapagos. We will do snorkeling, enjoying contact unparalleled with nature. We can clearly observe the dazzling marine life: turtles, colorful fish and corals, in addition to spot a lot of birds. At the end of the day, we return to the hostel and enjoy the town of Montañita.

Día 13:  Volviendo a Quito

After breakfast we will have the day free to enjoy the way that we like, we can go Montañita, buy a souvenir, or simply to have a rest. In the late afternoon we will embark on our return to Quito. 

Día 14:  Regresar al lugar de origen

Porque lo lindo de volver de viaje es (re)conocernos en lo aprendido. Siempre es importante regresar al lugar de origen para compartir las vivencias, las fotos y las experiencias que hayamos encarnado a lo largo de nuestra estadía.

During this day we will be saying goodbye to the group and embark on the return journey to our countries of origin.

What's included?

  • Tres (03) noches en Quito
  • Tres (03) noche en Tena
  • Dos (02) noche en Baños
  • Tres (03) noches en Montañita
  • Doce (12) desayunos

It is important to clarify that the rooms are shared exclusively with the group of Voltage.

  • Transfers needed to carry out the activities 
  • Transfer To Quito – Tena
  • Transfer Tena – Baños de Agua Santa 
  • Traslado Baños de Agua Santa  – Montañita
  • Transfer Montañita – Quito
  • A (01) caminatour in Quito
  • A (01) tour in Cotopaxi National Park 
  • A (01) tour in Laguna Quilotoa
  • A (01) tour on Amazon (Tena) of three (03) days
  • A (01) tour of the Waterfalls of Bathrooms 
  • A (01) tour to the House of The Tree or Swing of the End of the World
  • A (01) trekking on the Island of la Plata
  • Travel insurance for us $ 65.000. Includes coverage for COVID-19
  • Organization prior and during the trip
  • Coordinator during the journey
  • Advice on the purchase of air tickets

What is not included?

Lunches, snacks and dinners, are for the account of each traveler. You can choose where and with whom to eat. The budget will depend on the type of place, but are generally estimated USD 20-25 per day, including lunch and dinner.

For you to travel in company, we can advise you and give you the information about flights in which he travels the majority of the group of travelers and the team of Voltage. Remember that the first and last day of the itinerary, you can arrive or leave at any time.

El precio estimado de los pasajes aéreos para esta aventura es de USD 600.

The requirement of a visa depends on your nationality, so we have to see each particular case. Contact us to give you information on visas, if necessary.

Coordinates with the group to share or you can buy it separately with us.

It is customary to tip tour guides and drivers are local.

Everything else that is not specified in the listing


Flights needed

Trip requirements

Descubre las maravillas de Ecuador, visita Quito, El Rio Napo, Isla de los Monos, el Volcan Cotopaxi, el Parque Nacional Cajas, Montañita y muchos más!

Frequently asked questions

It has been deleted recently, the need for PCR testing COVID19 and it is sufficient insurance to cover such a disease as that we included.

  •  Backpack small or medium-sized for the day-to-day
  •  Cubremochilas waterproof
  •  Jacket or waterproof jacket
  •  Hat or cap to cover the neck
  •  Mosquito repellent
  •  Sunscreen
  •  Hiking boots or running shoes mountain
  •  Summer clothes
  •  Warm clothes
  •  Adapter plugs

We will stay in hostels with all the necessary amenities, in-room shared only with the group of Voltage. Also, the use of the bathroom is also shared

We recommend carrying between 400 to 500 extra dollars for food and other everyday expenses in travel (souvenirs, extra activities, etc)

Those who move back and forth from your country of residence to Quito. We will recommend you the best option available to you once you have contacted. Remember that the further in advance you buy your flight, the better will be the price that you can get.

If, if you have any request to diet, food allergies or intolerances in particular, you must indicate this when you contact us prior to your trip. This currency can inform the accommodations to make it possible to meet your needs. It is also important that at the time of the trip to tell your coordinator for your dietary needs.

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