Kenia y Tanzania con Zanzíbar

Enjoy safaris in the national parks, in addition to the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar!

The treasure of East Africa

In this opportunity we'll take you to get to know the best of East Africa, specifically Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar. Together with a group of travelers as adventurous as you, we will immerse ourselves in Kenya, participating in safaris to experience the magic and natural wealth of this country, surrounding us unique landscapes and wildlife worthy of respect and admiration. We will spend the night in the spectacular Masai Mara, which stands out for the fauna who dwells there. We will also visit the Lake Nakuru where you will find a large variety of birds in addition to the National park of Amboselli, famous for its herds of elephants and their views of the impressive mount Kilimanjaro.

We go into the savanna to know and admire its fauna, but not only marvel at its biodiversity but also of the cultural richness that we find in this land of traditions. 

Enjoy the panoramic view that will leave us breathless as we continue our journey in Tanzania where we will visit the National Park Serengeti and the Ngorongoro Crater, both destinations are declared heritage of humanity. We will participate in several safaris, where you will see lions, leopards, zebras- and many , many other species of animals living in their natural habitat. We will visit one of the archaeological sites, more prominent: the Olduvai gorge, place it preserves fossils related to human evolution. 

Coming to the end of the trip, we will leave the mainland behind and head for the fascinating and historic island Zanzibarthere we can enjoy their beaches of white sand and turquoise waters, walk through the cobbled streets of the historic Stone Town.

Will be 14 days where you'll be able to explore Africa with all of your senses leaving you trapped by your landscapes and unique wildlife.



+ air

Reservation dates

What should I expect?

Upcoming dates:

Level of difficulty:




Day 1: Welcome in Nairobi

Throughout our first day of the itinerary, we will meet with the travelers at the hotel in Nairobi, the Kenyan capital. There you can relax, unwind and recover from the trip and prepare for the days of adventure are waiting for us.

Day 2: On the way to Masai Mara

Luego de desayunar nos trasladaremos en transporte privado a la Reserva Nacional Masai Mara. Nos detendremos a medio camino en el mirador del Gran Valle del Rift, una fractura geológica cuya extensión total es de 4830 kilómetros en dirección norte-sur. Luego de maravillarnos con esta impresionante panorámica, tendremos tiempo para almorzar antes de continuar nuestro viaje al Masai Mara donde nos alojaremos, pero primero disfrutaremos de un delicioso café, preparándonos para tener una tarde de safari en la reserva. Durante este paseo tendremos la oportunidad de avistar numerosas especies de las que allí habitan, como cebras, ñúes, gacelas, impalas, hipopótamos, jirafas y cocodrilos. Y por supuesto leones, leopardos, chitas e hienas que corren por sus llanuras. Una vez finalizado el recorrido retornaremos al campamento para cenar y descansar de las emociones del día.

Day 3: the vastness of the Masai Mara

Comenzaremos nuestro tercer día de aventura con un desayuno para prepararnos para una jornada de safari dentro de la reserva. Podremos ver uno de los amaneceres más impresionantes además de continuar apreciando parte de la fauna que caracteriza este paraíso llamado Masai Mara. Nos detendremos para disfrutar de un picnic en el parque y visitaremos el Río Mara, el cual es cruzado por la fauna en época de migración, este safari nos tomará una gran parte del día, regresaremos al campamento para cenar y reponer energías para lo que nos espera.

Día 4: Villa Masai y Lago Naivasha 

Dede temprano realizaremos una visita a una aldea Masai, donde podrás participar en actividades culturales como danzas, canciones, saltos y entretenimiento ofrecido por la gente local Masai. Luego, regresararemos al campamento para desayunar antes de partir hacia el Lago Naivasha. Allí, realizaremos un recorrido en bote y podrás admirar la vida silvestre, jirafas, cebras, antílopes y otras especies. Posteriormente, nos dirigiremos al Parque Nacional de Amboseli, con almuerzo en ruta. Llegaremos al campamento por la tarde, donde cenaremos y pasaremos la noche. Este es también el mejor momento para disfrutar de una vista clara y maravillosa del Monte Kilimanjaro.

Día 5: Parque Nacional Amboseli

Comenzaremos el día con un delicioso desayuno para cargar energías y estar listos para una jornada entera de safari por el Parque Nacional Amboseli. Este parque es hogar de cebras, búfalos, leones, guepardos, ñus y jirafas, entre otros animales, y allí encontraremos también grandes manadas de elefantes. Además, si el clima acompaña, tendremos excepcionales vistas del monte Kilimanjaro, la montaña más alta de África. Ya finalizando el día regresamos al campamento a cenar y descansar.

Día 6: Camino a Tanzania

Después de desayunar nos prepararemos para realizar un safari por la mañana y luego iniciar nuestro viaje a Arusha, que se encuentra en el norte de Tanzania. Almorzaremos en el camino y pasaremos por Namanga, ciudad que divide Kenia de Tanzania; allí haremos los trámites migratorios  para continuar hacia nuestro destino y más maravillas que nos quedan por vivir en este viaje. Ya en Arusha nos acomodaremos en el hotel, cenaremos y descansaremos para cargarnos de energías para nuestro siguiente día de aventura.

Día 7: Parque Nacional Serengeti

Desayunaremos y nos encontraremos con los guías locales que nos acompañarán durante la jornada por el Parque Nacional Serengeti, declarado Patrimonio Natural por la UNESCO. En el camino almorzaremos y llegaremos a la puerta principal del parque para iniciar un safari al campamento.  El mismo marcará el inicio de nuestro contacto con la vida salvaje del corazón de Tanzania, regalándonos este cercano encuentro con la fauna única que alberga este parque protegido tan reconocido.

Día 8: Serengeti y Ngorongoro

We will wake up early and after breakfast we will depart to start a safari in the famous Serengeti, protected reserve where you can see elephants, lions, wildebeests, gazelles, impalas, among many other species that inhabit this well-known park, we will enjoy a picnic lunch and we will stop at the Olduvai Gorge, a museum that contains the fossil remains closely linked with human evolution. After the visit, we will travel to the area in conservation in Ngorongoro, where we will camp.

Día 9: El Cráter Ngorongoro

Luego de una noche de descanso, desayunaremos y nos prepararemos para un día de emoción en el que veremos paisajes que nos dejarán sin aliento. Iniciaremos el día con un safari por el Cráter Ngorongoro, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Descenderemos por el cráter en un safari panorámico para conocer esta maravilla natural; además de la vista espectacular, tambien podremos admirar su fauna: rinocerontes negros, leones, leopardos, bufalos, elefantes, cebras, entre otros maravillosos especimenes que nos regala este lugar único en el mundo.  Disfrutaremos del almuerzo durante la actividad y finalizada la misma regresaremos a Arusha para descansar en el hotel.

Día 10: Camino a Zanzíbar

Then after a delicious breakfast we will drive to the airport to take our flight to Zanzibar, an island located in the eastern coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. Once we land we will drive to the north of Zanzibar, to Kendwa more specifically, a fishing village where we will stay. We will have the afternoon free to rest and enjoy its beautiful beaches of white sand and turquoise water.

Día 11: ¿Kendwa o el paraíso?

En el onceavo día de nuestro itinerario tendremos tiempo para disfrutar de los paisajes de película de la isla, con sus playas de mar turquesa, palmeras y arena blanca. Podremos disfrutar de un atardecer mágico y sentirnos en un paraíso terrenal.

Día 12: Kendwa a gusto

We will have the day free to explore to taste the area; continue to enjoy its spectacular beaches, get to know the place in greater depth through a walk, leaving us surrounded by the nature or to perform some other activity that there are offers.

Día 13: Ciudad de piedra

After breakfast we will have a few free hours to go said goodbye to this beautiful spot in the world. We aprontaremos to take a trip to Stone Town, Mji Mkongwe, in swahili, or the City of Stone in Spanish, the old part of the capital of Zanzibar. The same was declared a world Heritage site in the year 2000, and in it we find influences of arab, indian and african. There we will enjoy a caminatour to know all its secrets and its hidden alleys. We can walk around the Market Darahani, visit the old slave market, to know the old fort, the oldest building of Zanzibar... even we can know the house where he was born Freddie Mercury. In this way we will give a finishing touch to our adventure we will be given the experiences more interesting and unforgettable.

Día 14: Regresar al lugar de origen

Because a great trip is to (re)know each other on what they had learned. It is always important to return to the place of origin to share experiences, photos, and experiences that we have embodied throughout our stay. During this day we will be saying farewell to Africa and embark on the return journey to our countries of origin.

What's included?

  • One (01) night in Hotel Nairobi
  • Two (02) nights in Camp Masai Mara
  • Dos (02) noches en Hotel de PN Amboselli
  • Two (02) nights at the Hotel, Arusha
  • One (01) night in Camp Serengeti
  • One (01) night in Camp Ngorongoro Crater
  • Tres (03) noches en Hotel de Kendwa (Zanzíbar)
  • One (01) night at Hotel in Stone Town (Zanzibar)
  • Trece (13) desayunos
  • Ocho (08) almuerzos (durante los safaris)
  • Seis (06) cenas (durante los safaris)
  • A (01) a liter of water per day (during the safaris)

It is important to clarify that the accommodation is in hotel and camp shared mixed, only with the group of Voltage.

  • Todos los traslados en los safaris son en camioneta 4×4 (techo se despliega)
  • Land transport Kendwa – Stone Town
  • Tres (03) safaris de medio día en la Reserva Nacional Masai Mara
  • A (01) tour Masai Village
  • Un (01) safari de 1h en Lago Naivasha
  • Tres (03) safaris de medio día en el Parque Nacional Amboseli
  • Tres (03) safaris de medio día en el Parque Nacional Serengeti
  • Un (01) safari de medio día en el Cráter Ngorongoro
  • A (01) caminatour in Stone Town
  • Seguro de viajes por USD 70.000. Incluye cobertura por COVID-19
  • Organization prior and during the trip
  • Coordinator of Voltage during the journey
  • Local guide throughout the trip
  • Advice on the purchase of air tickets

What is not included?

Meals that are not mentioned are for the account of each traveler. You can choose where and with whom to eat. The budget will depend on the type of place, but are generally estimated USD 60 per day (Zanzibar), including lunch and dinner.

For you to travel in company, we can advise you and give you the information about flights in which he travels the majority of the group of travelers and the team of Voltage. Remember that the first and last day of the itinerary, you can arrive or leave at any time.

Coordinates with the group to share or you can buy it separately with us.

La exigencia de visado para ingresar a Kenia y Tanzania dependerá de tu nacionalidad:

  • Nacionalidad argentina
    • Requiere visa para Kenia
    • Requiere visa para Tanzania
  • Nacionalidad española
    • Requiere visa para Kenia
    • Requiere visa para Tanzania
  • Nacionalidad italiana
    • Requiere visa para Kenia
    • Requiere visa para Tanzania
  • Nacionalidad uruguaya
    • Requiere visa para Kenia
    • Requiere visa para Tanzania

El visado lo tramita Volate, previa presentación de la documentación y pago de cada viajero. El precio de la visa es el siguiente:

  • Kenia: USD 51 + tasas
  • Tanzania: USD 51 + tasas

Si posees otra nacionalidad te sugerimos que nos consultes

It is customary to tip tour guides and drivers are local.

Everything else that is not specified in the listing

Safaris en África, Kenia y Tanzania, y playas de Zanzíbar Océano Índico

Formas de pago


Flights needed

Trip requirements

Safaris en África, Kenia y Tanzania, y playas de Zanzíbar Océano Índico

Frequently asked questions

Yes, both to enter Kenya, as well as to Tanzania with uruguayan passport it is necessary to apply for a visa, each with a cost of 51 USD + tax. We handle the process for you. 

  •  Backpack small or medium-sized for the day-to-day
  •  Cubremochilas waterproof
  •  Jacket or waterproof jacket and warm
  •  Hat or cap to cover the neck
  •  Mosquito repellent
  • Sunscreen
  •  Comfortable shoes
  •  Clothing, light and quick-drying
  •  Adapter plugs

We will be staying in both hotels as well as in camps. Most of the camps consist of tents equipped with beds with the exception of one of them, in which there are tents traditional (for two people). 

Calculamos un promedio de entre 600-800 USD para gastos de alimentación. Puedes llevar un adicional para otros gastos como compras de souvenirs.

You'll need those flights that you move from your country of residence to Nairobi on the way to and from Zanzibar to your country of residence to the back. You'll also need an internal flight from Arusha to Zanzibar, for the 11th day of our itinerary. We will recommend the best options once we have contacted. Remember that the higher the advance you buy your flight, the better will be the price that you can get.

If, if you have any request to diet, food allergies or intolerances in particular, you must indicate this when you contact us prior to your trip. That way we can notify the accommodation for you to do everything possible to meet your needs. It is also important that at the time of the trip to tell your coordinator for your dietary needs.

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